How Men Can Benefit from Therapy

by Aaron Engel, CT

Worthington Office, Working with adults & couples

It’s not a secret that men seek counseling less often than women. As a man, I get it. I would admittedly rather talk about football or outdoor adventures than my feelings. Many of us had fathers who kept to themselves and taught us to figure out our own problems. We are supposed to be tough against adversity, right? To pull ourselves up by our bootstraps? The reality is that life can be hard at times for everyone. Bottling up problems to appear strong can sometimes lead to the unhealthy expression of anger. Men can be negatively impacted by stress, anxiety, and depression. It is part of being human and can weigh on us. In fact, men are almost four times as likely as women to commit suicide.

The good news–seeking a confidential person to talk to is a sign of strength rather than weakness. Who is tougher than Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, who recently came forward to talk about his battles with depression? Former QB great Steve Young has written a book about his lifelong struggles with anxiety. 

COVID-19 hasn’t made things any easier. Isolation may be needed for our physical health, but all people need an outlet for their mental health. Economic impacts of the pandemic have also given men a need to seek assistance. The cold, dark winter months coupled with a pandemic can present yet another challenge. Seeking therapy for counseling in Columbus, OH doesn’t mean you’re crazy, just that life could be better for you.

While therapy is about feelings, it can also be about problem-solving and goal setting. Those who are experienced in counseling men can make it a comfortable and positive experience, even if there are some challenging moments during the process. Many of the men I see in therapy are referred by their wives or partners and would not have had the courage to sign up on their own. They become grateful for receiving the push they needed.

The good news is that Bridges Counseling of Ohio has both male and female counselors who can help. Some men prefer talking to another man, while others are more comfortable talking with women. Every therapist has a different style, and surely there is someone who would be a good fit for you. We look forward to working with you!


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