Christian Counseling Insight

By: Brianne Kramer, MA, LPC

Marysville office, working with adults & couples

For some, the thought of Christian counseling is comforting, while for others it may be uncomfortable or just something they do not desire in their counseling experience. Some clients enter my office here at Bridges Counseling of Ohio, making it clear that their faith is an important part of their lives and something they wish to have intertwined into their counseling sessions. Others may never mention their beliefs or may tell me that they have a lack of faith in anything. Regardless of where my clients fall on the spectrum of faith, my goal is to always meet them where they are.

My pastor often reminds us we are first Christians, followed by our family roles or occupations. In other words, I am a Christian woman who happens to be a counselor. It is because of my faith that I chose to go into the counseling field. Not because I wanted to use that platform to share my faith with my clients, but because I believe every person is created by God and therefore has intrinsic value. I have a heart for those who are struggling or suffering–whether it be with grief, addiction, depression, a history of abuse, etc. It is because I believe each person has this value that I desire to help my clients walk through these dark times.

I have a deep desire to be the best counselor I can be for my clients. Because of this, I begin each morning in my office asking God to guide me through each session I will have that day. And for some, that is the extent of anything faith based I do in regards to their counseling. Though I believe Christian counseling is an important part of what I do, I can also see where anything more than my morning prayer could be a hindrance to the counseling relationship and process for some of my clients.

So, what does Christian counseling look like for my clients? If a client is seeking Christian counseling I will include Scripture and prayer in our sessions. I will bring Biblical truths and faith into the counseling process. As a Christian myself, I see that as being part of the holistic healing process. However, if my clients do not make it clear that they are seeking Christian counseling, I take a different approach. Scripture, prayer and faith do not become a part of our counseling relationship. I use only the principles of psychology to aid my clients in finding healing and freedom from whatever circumstance brought them into my office. My goal is to always do what is best for my clients and to provide a comfortable environment. Bringing faith into a session where it is not welcome is not what I believe is best for my clients. In my morning prayers I ask God to help me see my clients through His eyes and to meet them where they are, with or without faith or religion being a part of our discussion. I am thankful that I get to play the role I do in the lives of my clients. I want my office to be safe space for them where they can find confidence and freedom to say and be whoever they are.

If you are in need of Christian counseling in Columbus, Ohio, or any type of counseling services Columbus, Ohio, we are here to guide and help you.


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