Called to Model

by Lesley A. Cross, MA, LPCC

COVID continues and as such, cancellations, changes, more "virtual life" continues. We're tired of this. We're saddened by it. We're disappointed and frustrated by what feels like continual loss. We know that this hurts. And that is OK! We are all allowed to acknowledge the pain. In fact it's healthy to recognize and process the pain, loss, disappointment and frustration. In this time though, we challenge you to react in ways that not only are healthy for yourself, but also healthy for those around you. For adults, we are modeling how to react for our children & younger generations. We know that graduations are going virtual. This hurts. This is a change from what we all expected for the last 18 years of raising our children. But our reaction to this change will guide their reactions and response as well. We can grieve with them AND still find the joy to celebrate their accomplishments. We realize that pools may close for the summer, camps may be cancelled, sports programs delayed or postponed. Again, this hurts. But how we react will guide the emotional health of the younger people watching us. We can grieve, share disappointment, and yet still find gratitude in what we do have. These are unsure days. We don't downplay that. And we're not trying to "silver lining" or sugar coat any of this. We know these days bring true pain, regret and even trauma. Still, we encourage that our mindset, modeling for others, and reactions may be the one thing we do actually have control over during this time.


Never Give Up Day


Valentine's Day ~ 5 Love Langage Style